Archive for December 2012

The Southern and South East Zone Maps of Asia | The Largest Continent Asia's Southern Map

Asia is the largest continent who bears large space in the world atlas. As a largest continent it contains 3.8 billion peoples and covers 29.75% land area. Asia is being divided into four vital zone as Southeast Asia, South Asia, Western Asia and Norther Asia. Among these four zone South Asia contains  seven important countries considering in the map of the Asia. These are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sir-Lanka. 

Asia is composed of a wide variety of ethnic groups, cultures, environments, economics, historical ties, and governmental systems. In the South Asia each country is different in their culture, religion, nationalism, geography, economy and many more systems but nearly situated zones of different countries contain the same logic.

In he South Asia India is the biggest country and most of Indian are Hindus. India contains beautiful natural scenery ornamenting this country. Bangladesh is the nearest country of India which is so called The Country Of Ever Green. Sundarban is one the world heritage which is surrounded both the country. Cox's Bazar is the longest sea beach in the world situated in Bangladesh.

The South Asia map is also the guide for you, to find out about the geography and the names of places in that area. Southeast Asia is a portion of Asia, which lies at the meeting point of geographical plates. As a result, the region sees heavy volcanic and seismic activities.Different colors have been used in the South Asia map to mark the various countries located here. A look at the exact location of these countries will give you a general idea, about the climate experienced there.

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